Macro Sentiment Indicators

Sentiment indicators for the S&P 500, options, stocks, Forex, and futures

Every Sunday, Macro Sentiment indicators give a glimpse of the market direction, helping traders to profit with just one options trade per week.

UPDATE: Macrosentiments is no longer supported. Instead try Stoic, the new bot with AI for simple automated crypto trading.

StoicAI Crypto Trading App.
Earns in any market cycle.
Fully automated

Returns for live trading S&P 500 options with Sentiments

Macro Sentiment Returns ChartMacro Sentiment Returns Chart
win rate for the S&P 500 weekly direction
analysts signed up to create the sentiments
AI models used to build the sentiments

Macro Sentiments are useful if you

✓ Trade options

✓ Trade forex or futures contracts

✓ Have a stock portfolio

Sentiments indicators forecast the week's direction and signal market crashes, helping you to trade profitably.

What are Sentiment indicators?

Community icon

156,000+ analysts from 135 countries answer questions

Every Sunday, six questions are posted to analysts registered on Cindicator's Collective Intelligence platform, asking about political, economic, employment, and business conditions.

Desktop with indicators icon

AI produces the final indicators

50+ ML models assign weightings to each answer based on analysts' past performances in forecasting particular assets. The resulting indicators are numbers between 0% (negative) and 100% (positive).

Strategy icon

Change is key

A change of +/- 30% in indicators predicted whether the S&P 500 would close above or below the previous week's closing price in seven out of ten cases.

70% win rate since November 2019

Macrosentiment Strategy chart

Based on the Sentiments, subscribers buy call or put options. This has been successful in 70% of cases and, during winning weeks, subscribers made profits of +50% to +200%.

What subscribers say


Actual screenshots from the subscribers-only Trading room. Subscribe for a trial to see for yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions



Six weekly indicators
Every week you will receive Sentiments indicators covering the current and future political, economical and employment situation, generated from the sentiments of 156,000+ analysts from 135 countries.
Full historical data for backtesting
Access to a spreadsheet with the full Sentiments data collected, so you can research it and use it as an additional tool in your trader's toolkit.
Access to the community
Access to a private Discord server where customers discuss how to apply Sentiments to their trading strategies, discuss exact plays for the week ahead and more. The majority of the room is made up of professional traders who have been managing their portfolios based on Sentiments for at least several months.
Sample trading strategies
Access to ideas and ready-to-use trading strategies based on Sentiments.
API Access
An API to grab data automatically and connect it to your trading platform to execute trades algorithmically.
Access to quant researchers
Consultations with Cindicator's internal quant team to research any given aspect of Sentiments data and discuss previous research.
24/7 Support
Messenger and voice support, a well as an introductory call to learn how Sentiments work.
Paid yearlyPaid monthly


Six weekly indicators
Every week you will receive Sentiments indicators covering the current and future political, economical and employment situation, generated from the sentiments of 156,000+ analysts from 135 countries.
Full historical data for backtesting
Access to a spreadsheet with the full Sentiments data collected, so you can research it and use it as an additional tool in your trader's toolkit.
Access to the community
Access to a private Discord server where customers discuss how to apply Sentiments to their trading strategies, discuss exact plays for the week ahead and more. The majority of the room is made up of professional traders who have been managing their portfolios based on Sentiments for at least several months.
Sample trading strategies
Access to ideas and ready-to-use trading strategies based on Sentiments.
API Access
An API to grab data automatically and connect it to your trading platform to execute trades algorithmically.
Access to quant researchers
Consultations with Cindicator's internal quant team to research any given aspect of Sentiments data and discuss previous research.
24/7 Support
Messenger and voice support, a well as an introductory call to learn how Sentiments work.
$20,000per month
Paid yearlyPaid monthly


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This website is operated by Cindicator Ltd. (“Cindicator”), a Gibraltar private company. You are solely responsible for compliance with all laws that may apply to you and your use of Cindicator products. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies have been the subject of scrutiny by various regulatory bodies across the globe. Cindicator makes no representation regarding the application to your use of Cindicator products of any laws, including, without limitation, those relating to gaming, options, derivatives or securities. Depending on the jurisdiction, the use of Cindicator products may be restricted. You agree that Cindicator is not responsible for determining whether or which laws may apply to you and your use of Cindicator products. Cindicator may restrict the use of its products for citizens and residents of certain jurisdictions products. Please read our Terms of Use for further details.

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